Thursday, January 24, 2008


How To Stage A Viral Marketing Campaign That Works

There are all sorts of ways to initiate a viral marketing campaign that brings targeted traffic straight to you, but one of the best is through the use of free ebooks.

A viral marketing ebook is something that can be distributed to numerous people with relative ease. With each new person that receives one of your free ebooks, you gain an opportunity to make a profit from your products and services or from an affiliate's products or services.

There are three major components that are necessary to creating a viral marketing campaign that works:

Wide Distribution

There are many ebook writers who charge for their creation. It's common practice. But the fact is, charging for ebooks is not the best way to achieve wide distribution. People love items that are free or discounted. By offering free ebooks, you ensure a wide distribution for your campaign. If you allow the books to be redistributed or rebranded, you practically guarantee more targeted traffic, and in turn, more profit for you.

Quality Content

The quality of your free ebooks is important. Readers aren't impressed with spelling and grammar errors. In fact, such problems may cause the reader to stop reading altogether, or worse, create distrust in the products and services that are mentioned. If the ebook isn't professional, your targeted traffic won't take you seriously.

In addition to avoiding content errors, you will also want to make sure that any affiliate links that are featured within the free ebooks are somehow relevant to the content and title of the ebooks. For example, you don't want to be discussing a subject like dog walking and then thrown in a random link for a domain registration services. It is much better to weave the affiliate link into your writing so that its appearance seems natural. Readers will respond to this much faster than they would to a high pressured and sloppy sales technique.

Maximum Return

If you want to make sure that you get the maximum return possible on your viral marketing campaign, you will need to get the rebranding balance just right in your free ebooks. The best way to do this is by making sure that the links are for your own products or for products that you have resale rights to. You can also use links that are for 2-tier affiliate programs, ensuring that you collect the second tier commission when a rebrander makes a sale.

When done properly, using a viral marketing campaign that centers around free ebooks can bring you the targeted traffic you need. You will make profit time and time again, with very little effort on your part.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Filide Blog45093
Farand Blog61573

Make Money With Your Music In Films Just By Talking To People

Licensing you music into films is a great extra income stream for you as an independent artist. But, as with any other aspect of the music business, you have to go through the learning curve and networking process. My experience with film licensing, just like everything else, revolves around whom you know.

Your first (or tenth) licensing deal probably wont be the next Hollywood blockbuster, but thats ok. There are a zillion independent films that need and want your music. No, you wont be immediately rich and famous from having a song in an indie film, but you will probably get paid, and youll get some good exposure. Remember, a good ling music career is not built on one big hit. Its built on a series of small projects and successes building to bigger ones, and, of course, multiple streams of income.

With that in mind, independent films are a great place to start. So where do you begin? Well, listing sites like Versus Media, Film Music Network, and Taxi are a good place to start, but its hard to rely on a steady income from people youve never met. Also, something Ive learned recently from a couple of music supervisors, is that follow up on your package is not required, nor particularly appreciated. So you really are relying on your package and your music being picked out of the pile. However, the listing services will give you access to projects you may not have known about otherwise. They are, therefore, a good investment.

An even better way to hook into independent films is to go out and meet film people. As musicians we tend to get stuck in our own little world. Hanging out with musicians, going to music workshops and events, etc. You must take your product to the people who need it instead of waiting for them to come to you.

A great place to start is Indie Club. This is a worldwide organization of independent filmmakers, actors, crew, and everyone else. Find your local chapter through the website. Its free to join. Where I am, San Francisco, we have the countrys largest chapter. Join their discussion list and introduce yourself as a music artist. Go to their meetings and get-togethers. When I went to my first Indie Club meeting, I was one of two music artists in the room. The cries of We need you! were not just the voices in my head (this time). That room full of independent filmmakers was looking for good music that they could license and still stay within their budget.

I scored my first licensing deal within an hour. Two songs in the same film, one Id already written, the other to be written specifically for the movie. My tactic was simple. Ask them about their latest project. Theyll be happy to tell you about it, I assure you. Theyll ask what you do. Tell them, but dont exaggerate. I explained that I had not yet written for films, but just came to see where I fit in. This particular filmmaker then explained to me that he couldnt find a particular song for this one scene he was working on. I told him Id be happy to custom write it for him. And there it was. I was being paid up front to write a song. How much? I received $100 for the new song, $50 for the previously written and recorded one. Like I said, you wont get rich off of these. But hey, $50 to let him use a song that Id paid for long ago is free money to me.

For the new song, the director arranged for recording time at the local recording arts school where his sound editor was studying. This was fortuitous, and not necessarily normal. Most other project I have to record myself. Because I kept the copyright for the song (which you should always try to do), I was able to release the new song on one of my future CDs, which put more money in my pocket. Theres that multiple streams of income again. And, as a topper, I was able to perform at the premier and sell more CDs there as well. I got all that just for showing up to a meeting and talking to people. I made a few other deals at that meeting too.

So the moral of the story is to just go where filmmakers are and talk to them. Besides Indie Club, Im sure there are other film clubs and organizations in your area. Find them and make yourself a part of them. Get to know everyone, and you have your tunes in the movies in no time!

Next time: How to get your music in movies by getting yourself in movies!

Phil Johnson and his band Roadside Attraction know that life just isn't that serious, and there's always someone more screwed up than you. And they've got the songs to prove it. Hear all about them at Blog11542
Fifi Blog26031

Parrots For Sale

It is clear some people want to have parrot as pet. If you are that person, you may be anxious about getting the finest one for your personal satisfaction, care and business. Parrots are for sale all around, and selling such pet is 100% different from selling home commodities. It will need time and dedication.

This will be a guide if you want know what species you would prefer. Here are the descriptions of selected parrots perfect for sale:

1. LOVEBIRDS - very adorable little small breed from Africa, lovebirds can be tamed like common parrots except for the aggressiveness towards opposite sex, the male rubs the perch as a distinct sexual behavior, which is quite disturbing to some owners. They have to be housed in different cages. Generally, lovebirds are excellent in parenting their siblings and very good in breeding.

2. AFRICAN GREYS - More than vanity, this parrot specie is the best sound imitator from among the species. It doesn't mean this parrot has to be on high sale just because of the talking qualities. Owners getting disappointed with non-talking African Grey specie often tends to neglect their pets afterwards.

3. COCKATIELS - Lovely because of the distinct pointed crown, this specie can learn tricks easily, very affectionate, and can live to a life span of 15 to 20 years given the proper care. The coating on its feather can cause allergies. Cockatiels have this distinct behavior when left in dark, which can cause self-injury.

4. SENEGAL PARROTS - Medium-sized specie good for apartments because of its more quiet behavior. Much adept in imitating sounds of surroundings than distinct speech of people. It is not recommended for outdoor and spacious free walks as it can fly farther and get lost.

5. PARROTLETS - Comes in tiny sizes, this specie have no problem with dark places, considered brave. The voice is quite small, best if you only tolerate chirping when bred in a small flat or room. Prone to accidents, they must be looked after all the time when out of the cage.

6. CANARIES - Specifically attributed to Canary Island, after Romans named it. Canaries have three types. Song Canaries are known for the distinctive voice and singing. Color Canaries have attractive and bright colors, making the collecting of several varieties popular to breeders. Canaries are territorial and not so sociable. From among the parrots, this specie has the sweetest voice.

The sale of parrots worldwide happens silently. It comes with interest and passion, but believe it or not, thinking about the small world you can give to these lovely birds is a journey. Living with parrots is worth a quality life.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Pet Parrot & other useful information, please visit Blog11031
Felice Blog1455

Starting Your Own Home Business

Ok, so you have researched the facts, weighed the pros and cons and have finally decided that a home business is right for you. But now you need to figure out what type of business you want and how to proceed with marketing this business.

There are many types of home businesses but not all of them are right for all people. You need to ask yourself these questions: Do I want to start my own business from scratch? Do I just want to join an MLM and sell for someone else? Do I want to sell physical products or digital products? Do I want to do all the work online or offline too? Do I want help with my business or do I want to go solo? Do I just want to become an affiliate and sell other people's online products?

MLM/Direct Sales - The company you sell for is in control of how you run your business. You are paid a commission for sales and usually have to recruit a downline.

Distributorship - You are in control of your own business. You keep all profits and do not need to recruit a downline.

Digital Products - Selling digital products such as ebooks is done online and there is no need for an inventory, shipping or worrying about damaged goods.

Affiliate Programs - many people make a good online income just by selling other people's products.

Service Provider - This would include such things as virtual assistant, party planner, pet sitter, etc.

These types of businesses can be combined to form one very successful business. Such as applying for a distributorship and then also offering ebooks on your online store site.

Once you have chosen your business and gotten all your permits, tax numbers, etc, you will need to start marketing your new business. There are countless ways to do this online and offline.

Offline Marketing

Offline marketing would include: business cards, flyers, attending your community events and networking, attending expos, craft fairs, trade shows, postcards, phone calls, newsletter advertising, door hangers, radio, fundraisers, school functions, catalog distribution, mailing lists, home parties, car magnets, brochures, seminars, yellow pages and more. Use your creativity to come up with your own unique marketing ideas.

Online Marketing

Marketing strategies online include: link exchanges, search engines, autoresponders, online auctions, email press release, online chats/seminars, ebooks, blogging, tutorials, ad swapping, ezine publishing, article marketing and much more!

To market your home business takes a lot of work, consistency, time and commitment. Handing out a couple business cards and throwing up a website will not suffice. Work as many as these marketing ideas as you can. Find out which ones really work for you and then expand on them. Then try more!

I want to make sure you understand that you cannot treat your business as a hobby. If you want a successful business with a full time income, you have to work your business full time. If you find one of these programs that claim you can make thousands a week for 5 minutes of work, (that actually work) please let me know. In the meantime, start using some of these ideas and get your business name out there!

Terri Seymour has 10 years experience & has helped many people. Visit her site for more help, resources, $1 resell ebooks, weekly ezine & more.Fabrice Blog20597
Vanda Blog79822

Finding Home Business Ideas In Your Own Life

For some moms, one of the hardest parts of starting an online business is finding the right idea. There are mothers looking for a way to create an original home based business every day and the internet provides a ready customer base for good ideas that are marketed well. The challenge facing these would-be entrepreneurs is in finding the good idea.

Create Your Own Niche A common mistake made by new website owners is trying to be all things to all people. On the internet, generalization is best left to large corporations who have the staff and advertising budget to make their wide product offering work for them. Specialization is where a small internet business owner can really shine.

Look Inside Yourself and Your Situation Ask yourself what small niches you inhabit. Are you a mom with a special needs child? What do you wish you had or which you knew to make that easier? Are you multi-cultural?

Does your sub culture have lots of choices when it comes to shopping, services and information?

Solve A Problem If you're thinking about creating a business selling homemade diapers, for example, examine the market and see if you can't spot an under represented niche that needs attention. Take a look at your own experiences and make a list of the items that you wish you had for your newborn.

Some very interesting and innovative baby products have been introduced to the market by a work at home mom.

Other mothers will reach into their household cash and spend it with you when you show them how your product makes their life easier or saves them money. What have you created for yourself that could be marketed to others? This doesn't have to be a fancy new diaper bag or nursing necklace, although there is always a market for something that improves on the old stand by. Perhaps what you have to offer others isn't a product, it could be information.

Provide Information On A Specific Topic You could write an eBook on how you helped your kindergartner stop wetting the bed or how you provided healthy, delicious, non-boring meals for a family of four on less than fifty dollars a week. (Sell me that one will you?)

The deeper you dig, the better the nugget you might find.

Just realize that you're not looking for a huge market, you're looking for a responsive one. Bring your solution to the people who need it and you will be on your way to success.

Michelle Waters helps Work At Home Moms take their home businesses ideas to reality with her ecommerce software and hosting services at She offers support and business advice for her clients at Blog26667
Faye Blog98413

Using Images to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

If you are an online business owner then you must read this article. You could be losing hundreds or thousands of visitors each and every day. Did you know that millions of people are using the web to find pictures of Old Faithful, a 69 Mustang or a cartoon drawing of Bill Clinton? There are potential customers searching for graphics of your products and services right now. Are you capturing their business?

The major search engines have been collecting images from websites and sorting them by topics, keywords and alt tags. Are you optimizing your images properly to take advantage of this free advertising?

Google's Image Search forms about 12% of its regular search queries. That's a lot of searching for graphics. To give you an example, Googles Image Search accounts for more queries than Ask.coms regular queries. If your online business lends itself to photos, that percentage could mean a jump to 25-40% of your traffic.

There are a few basic rules to optimizing your images. While optimization is optional, I highly recommend taking the additional 30 seconds to add alt and title tags and proper graphic names. The difference in traffic and income could be drastic.

Some folks shy away from alt tags these days. I still like them and use them to my advantage. The trick is to code the tag so that it provides a line of information to your website visitor.

For example, I have a fitness website that displays photographs of different exercises. The alt tag for a particular exercise would read: Crunch- Keep Belly Button Pulled Into Spine.

In other words, use the alt tag to sum up your main point of having the graphic in the first place. Be sure to include words in your alt tag that help define the picture as well. The alt tag will only display if the graphic does not load, or if your visitor is using a text based browser.

Use the title tag in your images as well. The title tag will display when you move your cursor over an image. The title tag is built into the coding of the image just as the alt tag is. You should also use words that describe the graphic and provide additional information.

Another way to optimize images is in their file names. All graphics have a file name when you save them. This is a simple way to earn points with the search engine! Instead of naming your ab crunch picture 1yhjdk65789.jpg, why not name it ab-crunch.jpg? Its all about using words to describe the image.

This may be reminding you of keywords. Images should be treated just as your online business content. Ill even go a step further and say that images should be an integral part of your website content. Use every advantage you have to rank well at the engines!

One caveat: do not spam your alt or title tags. Search engines are growing smarter every day. Build your web business with dignity and honesty. The throwback will be tenfold.

Your hosting company should provide image search traffic analysis of your website. If your hosting company does not provide this, strongly consider switching hosting companies. Graphic and image searches are going to increase in the coming months and years. You must know how it affects your traffic and your bottom line.

Copyright 2006 Lynn VanDyke

Lynn VanDyke's content website is in the top 1% of all websites worldwide according to Alexa. She recommends this hosting company for your online business: . For your free online business "How To" guide, please visit: Blog3774
Vita Blog95398

Search Engine Marketing - Directory Submitter Review

You may or may not know that Website Directory Submission is quickly becoming a very popular and easy way to get quality, one way links to your website.

These kind of links are exactly what the search engines are looking for. The websites with more quality, one way links are typically the sites that rank the highest, period.

With that said, there are several websites directory submission programs on the market. The best and easiest to use is a new program created by Brad Callen, called Directory Submitter.

The software currently contains around 1700 website directories, all free. It is the most straightforward program that weve come across, in that all you need to do is:

1. Input your website details (i.e. title, description, URL, etc.) into the software

2. Click on the directory you want to submit to

And then the program will automatically fill in your website details. Then, you simply click the submit button and your website is instantly submitted to the directory. Then, you can move to the next directory, go through the list, and by the time youre finished youll have roughly 1500 one way links pointing to your website.

I cant think of an easier way to get links. Of course, if youre going to get links this quickly, its important to vary your website title (anchor text) every 20-30 links or so, to make things look more natural to the search engines.

You can do this very easily via Directory Submitter when you create your project in the beginning.

The software is constantly being updated and their is an incredible community of users established that all work together to make the software better and better, so you know youre getting great value for the money.

Gilbert TraifalgarFayina Blog95738
Vitia Blog60379

Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Some business owners opt to start an affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there are some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save money while still achieving valuable advertising. However, once a business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive and combining affiliate marketing with other types of Internet marketing such as placing banner ads and orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what affiliate marketing is and will provide insight into why this is popular and how it can be used effectively.

An affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. It is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website and given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own website.

One of the most appealing elements of affiliate marketing is the affiliate is only compensated when he produces a desired result. This means the business owner is not obligated to pay the affiliate unless the affiliate is successful. Success may be defined as generating traffic to the website, resulting in a sale or even resulting in the Internet user registering on your website or filling out a survey. The compensation for affiliates is generally based on cost per click, cost per lead or cost per sale. Cost per click and cost per lead are usually paid in terms of a flat fee which is awarded to the affiliate each time an Internet user either simply clicks through the banner ad on his website or performs a specific action after clicking through the ad. Cost per sale may result in the affiliate being awarded a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the agreement between the business owner and the affiliate.

The most effective use of affiliate marketing is to actively seek out affiliates with a proven track record of promoting the businesses which they support. Most affiliate programs are open to anyone with a website and it is not necessarily damaging to allow those who are not particularly knowledgeable about marketing to run your banner ad but it is far more worthwhile to seek out affiliates who are quite adept and generating website traffic to their own website. This is important because the more visitors they receive each month the more likely your website it to receive interest from visitors who click on the affiliates banner ad.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing which can contribute to success or failure is the design of your banner ads. It is important to remember affiliate marketing is viewed the same way other types of marketing are viewed and care should be taken to create banner ads which will be appealing to your target audience. This means everything from the colors of your ad to the size and style of the font should be carefully considered to create an appealing advertisement.

Strive Mazunga is a webmaster and administrator of Internet Marketing Harbour at Visit us for more information at IM Harbour!.Vicky Blog18848
Eugenia Blog42799

How To Start A Business Online

If you are a beginner, don't be scared everybody out there started where you are. If you want to build your own internet business, start by determining what you would like to sell online or what you think you could help people with.

If you are selling a product or service first you should start by getting a paypal account which is free and perfect for new businesses because you dont have any up front fees or monthly fees, you only pay a percentage of your profits. To move on to your website, get a program like microsoft front page, I know programs like this look a bit complicated at the beginning but trust me if you just play around with it copying and pasting stuff a few hours a day, you will see it is just as easy as using microsoft word. Make yourself a nice banner at the top using photoshop, again just playing around with the simple tools of these programs you can do some really cool stuff.

When ever you encounter a problem, go to Google and make a search with your question and most likely you will find a forum or a website that will help answer your question or lead you to someone that can. Your website has to look attractive, so start by determining what colors you want your background to be and the text etc... Go to other websites selling similar products as yours to get some ideas. Get a program like AAA Logo, you can make all sorts of cool clipart with this program that you can add to your site to make it look more professional. Another thing you should keep in mind is that your website will never be perfect it takes constant attention to continue increasing the look and effectiveness of it so be patient. You can even create your first website using one of those free hosting and website building companies, it's a good way to practice and get the look you want your website to be.

Try to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to make cool little designs to put onto your website. Once you have your product and you've learned to create web pages, just go ahead and find a hosting company like godaddy for example, it costs as little as $40 per year including you domain name. Take your time picking your domain and make sure it has your product name in it because your website adress is important in achieving top rankings in google for that keyword. In order to put your website live you need to upload you web pages, it's as easy as copying and pasting files into a folder, you just need a login name and password wich the hosting company provides you with. The reason I am writing this article is to boost you to do it, so many people including me did'nt know how to do all this, have a positive attitude and keep in mind that nothing will block you from your goal. If you have any questions or need help with any of these steps I would be more that happy to help you out.

Need A Logo Design For your New Business?:

Thomas LemayVanda Blog17655
Vikkie Blog41752

Finally, The Truth About Paid Surveys

One of the easiest ways to earn money online, as discussed on my website, is to use paid surveys. While not nearly as lucrative as affiliate marketing or auctioning on eBay, you can still make a nice sum of money with paid surveys.

The first thing I will say is that surveys will not make you an overnight celebrity or millionaire; it is simply a great way to put some extra money in your pocket without doing much work. One thing that irks me is when companies want you to believe that you can fill out a 5-minute survey and make 25 dollars. Let me tell you, I wish that were the case. Most surveys will take at least 20-30 minutes to complete and pay anywhere from $1-10 dollars. Yes, there are some $25-50 surveys, but they are not common.

But what if you were only to take the surveys that pay top dollar and forget about the lower paying ones? The problem with that is after you register with the survey company, you will need an invitation before you can take the surveyyou cant just choose any survey you want to take before you receive an invitation (if that were the case, everyone would only fill out $50 surveys).

Remember, you receive invitations according to your profile. And this goes for most of the survey companies.

As I mentioned earlier, the surveys you get invited to usually pay you anywhere from 1-$10 dollars. So common sense tells anyone that they will have to be registered with many survey companies to even make a decent amount of money. You dont have to register with all the survey companies all at oncea few registrations a day will suffice. With that being said, the more surveys you sign up for, the more chances you will get to make money.

Side note

Please dont feel disappointed in the beginning because of all the $1 surveys in your mailbox; keep on registering with quality survey companies until you start to see those $6-$10 (even $25) offers. After a while, if you keep filling out the low paying surveys, you will see more and more of the much higher paying surveys. Patience is very important in the beginning.

Why would companies compensate me for taking a survey?

The purpose of a survey is to gather peoples opinions on different products and ideas that companies continually come up with; this can be anything from item design to movie scripts. These companies need opinions from real everyday people like you and me to get insight on their products before they hit store shelves. And they are willing to pay us for our opinions.

Have a good time

Taking surveys, to me, is actually fun. It is not stressful and you can get make several hundred dollars a month doing itassuming that you do things the right way.

Not only is it fun, you get to see products, movies, and services before they are presented to the public. I actually completed a movie survey on Snakes On a Plane 5 months before its theatrical release.

Register with the best research companies

As fun as surveys can be, one problem that I found with taking these surveys is that not all of them are worth taking. This is why it is important for you to register only with quality research companies.

You can find some good paid surveys manually and it wont cost you anything.

On the other hand, you can join a paid database, like SurveyScout, that has all the quality paid surveys in one place. While some of the research companies in SurveyScout can be found individually for free, the simple setup, cohesiveness, and registration bonuses that SurveyScout gives you are more than worth the one-time fee they charge. I review SurveyScout on my site.

Here is your reward

Lets talk about what some companies actually give you when you successfully complete a survey. Many companies give you gift certificates, free music downloads, DVDs, and electronics; some will enter you into a cash sweepstakes upon completion of a survey (where you can win a portion of the prize money). You will usually know what you will get for completing a survey before you start (check your survey invitation for details).

Some people tend to decline these kinds of survey invitations because they dont pay in cash; but do not dismiss the non-cash prizes. At times, they are just as good as cash rewards. Say you get a free DVD player or another type of electronic device (MP3 player) as a prize; most likely you were going to buy one anyway, so why disregard prizes such as these? When a survey says you get a gift card or prize once its completed, dont dismiss it.

I think we are about ready to start

Now that we got some of the basics out of the way, you now know that paid surveys are a great way to supplement your income.

Lets move forward to the first rule

Rule #1: Create a separate email account for your survey registrations and monitor it everyday

Set up an email account with Yahoo so you can use it only for your survey registrations and invitations. Please do not use your main/primary email address when signing up for surveys. Often times, people are spammed if they are not careful when registering for surveys. This is the best way to protect yourself against spam.

Rule #2: Dont entertain any bonus offers when registering for surveys.

When registering for surveys, sometimes you will see all sorts of bonus offers from other products/companies; my advice to you is to hit the no, thanks button and continue on with registration. If you dont, you will most likely be subjected to spamthat is another reason why I recommend you open up a free email account with Yahoo or Hotmail: just incase you accidentally agree to one of these offers.

I have been a victim of this, where my name and email address were sold to a third party and I actually had to change my email address to stop the spam. No matter how legit some survey companies seem, some will still sell your information to third parties.

Rule #3: Dont join a paid database until you read this

You can find a good amount of paid surveys by doing simple searches for them for free. So the question is: why should anyone pay for something that they can get for free? In the beginning, I found several good paid surveys by doing some simple searches.

Being the lazy person that I am though, I still decided to join a paid database and have all the best paid surveys in one place. I felt more at ease selecting paid surveys from a paid database like SurveyScout because I knew every research company listed was a quality company that protected my information. The one-time price was very reasonable anyway so I didnt find it much of a burden. Some of my visitors use paid databases and love it because it makes everything a little bit easier.

Nonetheless, you can go either way when deciding between a free database and a paid database. Just be sure to know the difference between the two before you decide.

Rule #4: Dont lie about your contact information

If planning on receiving payment, you have to use your genuine contact information. At first you may feel a bit strange giving out some of your personal details, but in most cases your information is well protected. If you are not honest when you register, you cant expect to receive your payment. Dont waste your own timesign up with your real contact information. But be sure to register with a legit research/survey company.

Rule#5: Protect yourself; protect your information

This is really an extension of rule #1 on day one. But now we are going to focus on other security protocols. Always look for privacy policies and seals of approval to ensure your information is kept secret. When you see seals of approval such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) on a survey website, you know you are protected and are dealing with a company that values privacy.

Rule #6: Dont fall for the promises of wealth

In my experiences, it is difficult to make a full-time income with surveys (thousands a week for example). But you can still make a good stream of additional income to help with your bills and expenses.

The amount of money you make can, and will, fluctuate because the amounts of surveys you receive are very inconsistent. For example, I had one month where I pulled in over $400 dollars and another where I pulled in $88. It all depends on how many surveys you fill out, your profile, time of the year, the research companies you register with, and much more.

While you can make hundreds of dollars a month taking surveys, it will not make you a wealthy man or woman. I use surveys strictly as a supplemental income to help with some of my expenses: car payments, DirecTv bill, DVD rentals, and clothing. For me, it really helps to have an extra several hundred dollars pouring into my bank account every month.

You can easily make a couple thousand dollars a year just by filling out surveys. But once again, if this is your goal, you must fill out as much surveys as possible. While you won't be a wealthy person just by filling out surveys, you can make a substantial amount of money if you constantly fill them out.

Bonus Tip #1: Fill out your profiles after you register. This will make your survey invitations more targeted and less general. This also increases your chance of be selected to participate in the next survey.

Bonus Tip #2: Use focus groups and product testing to your advantage.

Focus groups can be very lucrative. You can actually earn several hundred dollars to complete one project. While paid surveys are short, focus groups will definitely take up more of your time. Focus groups may require you to actually visit a location or talk on the phone in a group discussion. This may take more work, but the reward is much higher, as you will get high cash prizes for your participation.

My best friend in college makes a killing with focus groups and this is how he pays for his books. So look for focus groups that are in your area.

Product testing is something else you might want to look in to. What happens here is a research company sends you a product and wants you to review/survey it. The good news is after you send in the complete review forms, you get to keep the product. These products, at times, are pretty neat.

Chris Walker is the owner of: Get all the best advice on great home businesses that really work. Gain access to essential tips and resources. He is the owner of all said material in this article. You can distribute his material on a non-exclusive, royalty-free basis, while he retains full rights to his work. You can use his article as long as you do not change any of the content without his permission.Vin Blog80869
Evangelina Blog76895

Business Start Up Loans: Big Bucks for Business Starters

If you are running well with your business, these loans are not for you. Business start up loans offer funding to all those who are in the foray of business these days and find their bag of funds is conspicuously cracking before starting up their business. So, to let them stand up and find a better roost with their upcoming business venture, business start up loans are there.

Any new business requires a lot of bucks. There are needs like settling up an office, buy the business property or there are needs like settling the plant or buying the accessories. Everything needs money and not only these; there are hidden costs like the wiring cost around the office or factory. So, to help you out to go ahead with your foray, business start up loans are of great help. Business start up loans are there for any size of business also. You can take the funds of business start up loans to set up a small business, a medium one, a large one too.

Business start up loans are for everyone, whoever wants them. If you can pledge collateral for your business start up loans, secured loans are there to give you loans at cheap rates as well as with easy terms. Here, your collateral playing as the security of the lenders money assures cheap rates in your business start up loans. Again, if you dont have the collateral for your loans, you can have the unsecured business start up loans. There are business start up loans for the bad credit holders also, only with a slight variation in the rates of interest.

Finding better deals is quite possible in business start up loans. The simple fact behind this speaks of the benefits of online facility. Almost all the lenders of business start up loans are flocked online and this gives you chances to get through a large array of cheap offers. Online platform also makes the business start up loans fast enough for the ease of the borrower. Business start up loans are indeed, doing a business which may be compared to the job of social work since they give cheap loans with multiple options, only to help you standing up with your own business someday in near future.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with Business Loans as a financial advisor. To find Business Start Up Loans, small business loans uk, business loans uk, business loan uk, new business loans uk visit Blog79805
Esma Blog62881

Understanding Market Risk

Market risks have little to do with a companys overall strength, and more to do with the affect the worlds economy can have on the market.


The stock market is always volatile. There are risks involved in investing your money in a companys stock. Savvy investors take the time to research the company thoroughly before investing in its stock. But one risk investors often overlook is market risk, or the volatility of one market and how it might affect another. This was seen in February 2007, in a dramatic turn when the Chinese stock market dropped a whopping 9% in a single day, causing a tidal wave effect throughout the world. The United States Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 4.3% in the Chinese aftermath, its worst decline since the terrorist attacks of 2001.

The International Organization of Securities Commissions urges investors to take the time to learn what market risks are and how they may affect investments worldwide.

Market risks have little to do with a companys overall strength, and more to do with the affect the worlds economy can have on the market.

Interest Rate Risks

Changes in interest rates directly affect the value of bonds. As interest rates rise, the price of previously purchased bonds falls; while dropping interest rates will increase the bonds value.

Inflation Risks

Inflation reduces a consumers purchasing power, which also reduces the value of investments.

Currency Risks

When purchasing stocks or bonds issued by companies outside of the United States,any fluctuation in currency exchange rates can directly affect how much a stock or bond really costs, and how much youll make when selling it.

Liquidity Risks

The ability to sell off your investments at the moment you choose can greatly affect your profit margins. Being unable to make trades due to foreign regulations, not being able to find a buyer, selling at a discount, among other reasons may cost you valuable assets.

Sociopolitical Risks

Worldwide events such as a terrorist attack, war, and even an election can all affect investor attitude toward the market and cause serious up or downturns. Worse yet, some catastrophic events can lead to wide-spread disruptions in financial markets all over the world, which can be risky for individual investors.

ICountry Risks

Country risks are similar to sociopolitical risks, with one important exception: they are tied to a specific country and the economic and political climate within it.

Legal Remedies Risk

When dabbling in the oversees market, keep in mind that problems which may arise with your investment must be handled by that governments market overseers, which may work very differently than those your used to in the United States. This in itself can be very risky for foreign investors.

While no one can completely avoid all market risks - thats what makes the financial market so profitable - there are a few things every investor can do to minimize the risk.

Do Your Homework

Take the time to research all of the things that can affect your oversees investments. Stay tuned to global economic trends and changes, and be certain that you completely understand all of the trading practices, regulatory practices and restrictions in investing internationally.


Vary your holdings by region, country, length of holdings (long term vs. short term), product, and sector.

Investing is always risky. But dont let that scare you. Oversees markets can be very profitable, as long as the investor understands the ever-changing market risks associated with specific investments and takes the necessary precautions.

For the past ten years Bob Freeman has been helping people build more money in their retirements. Now he has taken his successful strategies to a new level by offering teleseminar courses to help people make a better retirement for themselves than they ever thought possible. For more tips and strategies see Blog78427
Fedora Blog23198

Here's How To Make Money From Home doing MLM - Without Sponsoring Anyone Or Selling Product

If you are in an MLM company struggling to make money and looking for a quick way to get cash flowing in fast and steady, this article will show you how to accomplish it.

Listen to this:

Not long ago I got a consulting call from someone who was in an MLM company. He was having a hard time making any money at all -- much less recouping his initial $1,800 investment.

He did not know where to go or who to turn to. All of the ideas and literature his company gave him weren't working but he still believed in the product.

Here is what I advised him to do:

I told him, first of all, forget about selling any product or sponsoring anyone for the time being.

He can still do all that, but for now, he needs to do something a bit different if he wants to make any money in his MLM business.

I told him that there were two things he could do:

1.) He can call and interview the top ten or so distributors at his company and ask them how they are making so much money.

In other words, what are they doing? How are they sponsoring or selling so much? Are they doing what their home company says? Or are they doing something different?

And what I told him he could do is take these interviews and do mini "joint ventures" with each person he interviews, selling that product to their downlines and splitting the profits.

That is the first idea I suggested.

2.) The second idea is to do the same thing, except make it more generic. Take out all the company specific stuff and sell it to all MLM people in general.

In other words, you are selling all the best sponsoring and product sales techniques and showing all MLM people -- not just those in your business -- how to do them.

And that's all there is to it.

The idea here is to merge your network marketing business with an "information" marketing business. Get the best of both worlds.

There are a ton of hungry prospects out there wanting to make it big in MLM. If you can be the person with the secrets -- whether you are selling to people in your own company or people in all MLM companies -- you can make a fortune selling this kind of information.

Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Senoff

Michael SenoffFeliza Blog60990
Vinnie Blog13907

Attract Tenants Through Advertising

For a successful business, it is very necessary to advertise various products and services that are provided so that the customers can have a look at these products and then choose according to their tastes and preferences. By advertising, the business unit gains popularity and the overall growth is dependant on it as it contributes in increasing the level of profit.

Nowadays, advertising for real estate is also on the forefront as if you have a property to give it on rent but you are not finding an appropriate way to find a genuine buyer, you can advertise about your real estate and can find a large number of buyers that would be interested in taking your property at rent and paying you a handsome rental. Moreover, renting needs a lot of courage as it might be possible that the tenant might not pay the rent on time or keep your property with care.

Therefore, advertising your rental property is the best option to go with. These advertisements are easily accessible by various people and this helps in the marketing of property rentals. You can also take the services of a rental agency that will help you in getting a good tenant for your real estate. These rental agencies are gaining wide popularity because they attract a lot of people by their special renting schemes.

The best way to advertise your property for rent is to put your property�s specifications and details on your Local Flyer 20 or more zones and on national rental website as this will contribute in attracting a large number of buyers across the country and the rental for your property will have a larger market and thereby helping tremendously in increasing the value and interest of your property,

You can also go with the option of advertising or putting up a notice on your community�s board that will highlight your proposal of renting property at exclusive prices. One can also go with the option of increasing the visibility of the rental property notice at schools, colleges and offices.

In addition, when you will find a potential tenant, don�t make hasty decisions and check the important details about the renter as if there will be a bad tenant, you will have to face severe problems.

Also, it is necessary to make the tenant acquainted with rules and regulations beforehand and a rental agreement should be duly signed. Last but not the least, while advertising; make sure that you don�t miss to mention that you need potential and trustworthy tenants for your property

Gus Taperman holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce and completed his master's in Business Administration. He is working as writer and financial consultant http://www.taperman.comFaith Blog51865
Fanya Blog11210

How To Use Resell Rights To Make Money

Undoubtedly, how to make money is one of my favorite topics, and likely yours too. Weve all heard dozens of ideas for how to make money on the internet. One of the most revolutionary of these ideas is using resell rights. The three main types of resell rights are standard resell rights, master resell rights and private label rights. Each type has its own set of rights and limitations with private label rights being the least restrictive. The ways that you can use your resell rights to make money is dependent on the terms of your licensing agreement; however, here are some excellent ideas for methods of making money with resell rights.

Reselling Products

The most simplistic method of making money with resell rights is to simply resell the products to which you have rights. This is advantageous because in most cases, the resell rights give you the ability to reproduce and resell a product without any inventory or development costs. If you have private label rights, you can even customize and rename the product and sell it as yours just as if you had developed it.

Bundling Products

If the resell rights that you have allow products to be sold in bundles, you can resell them along with other products as a package deal with a lower price than what would be charged for the products if they were sold separately. This is a great up-sell technique that increases a buyers perceived value and can significantly increase your sales volume and relatively, your revenue.

Giving Away Products

When you have non-restricted resell rights you can usually give products away as a bonus to customers who spend a certain amount of money on other items, or as a bonus to add value to another product offering. Bonus items are very popular in internet marketing and the sale of information products. By offering bonus items for a limited time, you can also create a sense of urgency which results in impulse buys that can truly skyrocket your sales. If you have private label rights, you can customize your products that you give away for the purpose of lead generation or driving traffic to your websites.

Reselling Resell Rights

Some licensing agreements allow you to resell resell rights to a product. If you engage in reselling resell rights, you do need to be absolutely certain that the licensing agreements you issue do not violate the licensing agreement you have made with the original seller of the resell rights. When you resell resell rights, you can set your stipulations regarding the rights in the license as long as they adhere to the rights and restrictions that you are subject to. With private label rights, again, the reselling of resell rights can benefit you if you provide information in the product that will redirect users of the product to your business.

Jason Tarasi Is The Editor Of Marketer's Protection Newsletter. Discover The Insider Secrets He Reveals To Keeping Your Business Safe And Hassle Free. Subscribe Now And Claim Your Free Gift! Blog13951
Veronika Blog3953

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Article Marketing Is Equal To Viral Marketing

Article marketing is a cost-effective method of marketing your Web site and services, and driving up your search engine ranking in the process. Studies allege that Article Marketing is 7-10 times more effective strategy than regular advertising. Writing and submitting your own articles is equivalent to FREE ADVERTISING on the Web. In general, this form of marketing is where you write an article about a topic that is related to your website content, using highly searched keywords in strtegic places throughout. This is an extremely powerfull form of advertising for your business and when mastered, can literally help your business earn money on auto-pilot.

Now that you've heard about the Article Marketing Revolution. Your next step should be to start writing about a niche topic, that your business website revolves around and a highly searched keyword. Your first entry into the world of article marketing is mastering the fundamentals, but remeber that submitting your writtings to the free directories is not a one time event, but a process. Discover user submitted websites on article marketing and related content to research just what people are writting about and what niche topics publishers and webmasters are looking for to reprint. Then take a look at marketing your affiliate programs, within your authors resource box at the bottom of your article for addittional income streams . The true key to good article marketing is to remain constant and consistent. With the challenges involved with reciprocal link building, generating incoming links through this method has proven highly effective.

The viral effect of article marketing is a benefit that I love about this method of promotion. Viral marketing has its own terms like anything else, and instead of making you run around the Net trying to find linking partners,your articles will do that for you day and night, automatically. Because it's both free and viral, article marketing is obviously the most cost-effective of all advertising methods on the internet today. The benefits of utilizing this free resource can be, and very often are, extreme and immediate. A well-written, useful article will acquire hits and encourage viral marketing for years to come for your business website. Not only will the search engines find you through all the links from your articles, they will reward you with free traffic. Your consistant writing can also help you gain name recognition as an expert in your field.

Chris PetersonFran Blog400
Veronika Blog3953

Internet Marketing Strategy - Insiders Secrets to Making Money Online

Internet Marketing Strategy was Corey Rudl's genius. Insider Secrets for Marketing Your Business on the Internet was a labor of love developed by Corey. And it didn't happen easily for him. Hours of learning and research went into gaining this knowledge and compiling this internet marketing strategy system for making money online.

In June 2005, tragedy struck when Derek Gehl lost his good friend, colleague, and mentor, Corey Rudl, to the sport Corey was most passionate about -- car racing. Corey's passing stunned the entire internet marketing community. But one thing became very clear, very quickly: everyone was adamant that Corey's Internet Marketing Strategy must continue, no matter what.

And so, while Derek had always been content to work "behind the scenes," he suddenly found himself thrust into a very public role. With the blessing of Corey's family, and the support of all of Coreys customers, Derek began running the company. Corey might be gone but his internet marketing strategy system is still very viable for making money online, and I would suggest you take a serious look at it.

Frankly when I finished studying Coreys internet marketing strategy, -The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet, - I was overwhelmed by the huge amount of information he managed to pack into this tutorial. The package included two hefty binders with over 1,300 pages, 4 guidebooks and 3 resource CDs. But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised; after all, when the box containing these materials showed up at my door, it weighed in at over 10 pounds!

That's 10 pounds of the most comprehensive internet marketing strategies, test results, case studies, tools, and ideas for making money online that I have ever read. In fact, the only negative here is the time I needed to study all the information packed into Insider Secrets.

If you're unsure who Corey Rudl was, you should know that he was a recognized expert in online marketing strategy for the last 10 years. Not only did his Insider Secrets generate millions for him in online sales, his sites still attract thousands of visitors a day.

His package includes step-by-step advice for starting your own internet business. It covers how to build a website for under $100.00 and where to find those hot niche products that everyone talks about. It showed me many free and cheap online tools, resources and software that I found invaluable.

Of course, getting visitors to your website is always the first priority and Coreys system showed me how to get new qualified visitors for free. He went into detail on how to get high rankings in the search engines, even Google. He also shared his secrets on writing sales copy that helped increase my sales substantially. Derek Gehl has kept this information up to date, changing the techniques as the internet grows and changes.

What's really great about Coreys Insider Secrets is that it can show anyone how to build a profitable internet business even if you're completely technically challenged like me.

And if you already have an internet business making money online, as I do, this excellent information will take you to the next level. The advanced sections of his system show you how Corey increased his profits dramatically.

It will take time to go through this package and really get a total grasp of all his techniques and strategies. After all, it contains two binders of lessons plus the three CDs and the four guidebooks. You may be a little confused at first but reread it again because it will all make sense.

This review is meant to be a useful, educational and an instructive resource for anyone interested in making money online with proven internet marketing strategies.

This package is not a quick fix as I said. It will take time and patience, but it was worthwhile for me.

I feel completely comfortable giving the Insider Secrets system a 9 out of a possible 10! It is 1,300+ pages of step-by-step lessons containing the exact internet marketing strategies Corey personally used to build a highly successful internet business. If you follow this plan like I did, you too will build a business on the internet, in a reasonable period of time.

Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna writes eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at: Blog21442
Vania Blog60311

New Ways to Earn More Money as a Writer


One common theme among writers is how to make more money. Unless we have a spouse whose job includes health insurance, 401K's, and have a fortunate ability to pick winning lottery numbers, we all plot and plan to earn more each week, each month, each year.

Just like a varied diet keeps our health on track, a varied approach to writing keeps our income healthy.

A common dilemma is that once we get in tight with an editor at a well-paying magazine, the editor moves, the magazine closes, or both. Newspapers cut back on weekly columnists; magazines are narrowing down their stable of regular writers so it's hard to break in somewhere new.

While we are living with the changes in our writing opportunities, why not focus on opening new doors instead of fretting about familiar doors shutting in our faces.

Learn to write press releases. Every business needs someone who can write a kick-butt press release to get them free publicity. You can grab some books or search for articles online but writing a press release varies little from writing an article. It's just that you and the editors you're sending it to understand that you are pitching a story that they can run without paying for it. Add press releases to your resume and you can bid on freelance auction sites and earn over $120 per press release as a novice. Seek clients locally, build on your successes and you could end up living off your publicity earnings.

Love to write how-to articles? Why not expand on your favorite topics and turn them into ebooks? My first venture into ebooks was to take an old writing class that I was no longer teaching and simply turn it into one document, each lesson equaled a chapter. I turned it into a PDF, opened an account on, and sent out an email to my list saying I had a new ebook. I made dozens of sales the first week, and the sales continue today. Total time? I spent one day creating the ebook from lessons I had already written. You could do the same from information articles you've penned, or from information you have stashed in your head. You can sell ebooks from your website,, or on .

Learn SEO. Imagine my surprise when someone asked me to write a series of articles based on instructions from his SEO advisor. I had to look it up. Search Engine Optimization is hot and will continue to be a skill that puts you in front of the parade of writers. Simply put, SEO is using keywords (or words that people use in search engines when looking for what you have to offer) throughout your website and meta tags that are picked up by search engines. You want your website to have the words that your potential readers and clients will use to find someone who will provide the services that you long to sell. Yes, it's getting more complex but for more website owners looking for a content provider, you can learn to use online programs that will help you determine which string of search words will bring the most visitors to any site.

Teach what you know. Write up a workshop, pitch it to a local college, church, association, group, or community center. With a little publicity, anyone can fill a class on the subject of her choice. Do you want to teach cooking classes? Would it surprise you to know that Food Network star, and now talk show host, Rachael Ray started teaching 30-minute cooking classes near her home to pay bills, and that led a local tv station to offer her a special, then weekly show. Then came a cookbook, Food Network, special appearances, and on and on. You may not make it as far, as fast as she did, but you can make money to pay bills by teaching workshops. People are willing to pay between $35 to $135 for a half day workshop. And as a writer, you know how to organize and write a class.

Try to get a column (or two). At one point I was writing four regular columns. I had to do little more than those to meet my financial goals. Start off by choosing a theme for your column, write down a list of 12 to 36 ideas and find local, regional and national markets. The guarantee of regular income each week or each month from a column is a wonderful feeling for freelance writers.

Prepare yourself for the ups and downs of the writing life by learning new ways to make more money!

Pamela White is the author of Make Money as a Food Writer in Six Lessons (available at and the publisher of two ezines for writers. Visit and to subscribe. She has had over 600 articles, short stories, and essays published in markets as varied as newspapers, Writer's Digest, ByLine Magazine, Home Cooking, County Families, Absolutely Business, Writers Weekly, Soul Matters, Low-Carb Energy, Healthy Living Today, and Spirit Communications. Vin Blog80869
Valida Blog15196

Blogging - Developing A Readership

You've finally created a blog and you've made your first post. Now how do you get people to actually read what you're blogging about?

Here are some tips on promoting your blog.

1) Quality Content - Interesting content will keep your readership returning. Update your blog regularly.

Googlebot, which is Google's web-crawling robot loves content. The more you update your blog, the more frequent the search engine spiders will return to it.

2) Take part in forums that are related to blogging. Ask other bloggers for their opinion on your blog and take their suggestions to heart.

3) Publish an RSS/Atom/XML feed. If you're using Blogger, you can turn on RSS feed by clicking on settings in your dashboard and then clicking on site feed and make sure that your settings are set to yes.

4) Carefully choose your subject titles, taking into consideration what other internet users may be searching for.

Use keywords in your title. I suggest subscribing to Word Tracker. Their report of the most popular searches is published each Tuesday and distributed to over 30,000 subscribers. , is a blog search engine that also lists the top search words. The more targeted your keywords are, the greater your return in search engines will be.

5) Involve yourself in commenting on other blogs. You can gain a loyal readership just by offering feedback to your fellow bloggers. The comment feature allows you to add a link back to your blog as well.

6) Be sure to include your blog address in forum signatures and in your email signature.

7) Submit your blog to directories.

Submit your blog's url to Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex.

8) Write articles. Include a resource box in your article and submit it to article directories such as

9) If you're using blogging software such as Blogger, there is an option to notify the central blog update services (such as whenever you've made a new entry to your blog. Make sure that this option is turned on! In blogger, click on publish in your dashboard and make sure that your settings are set to yes under notify weblogs. Alternatively, you can go to and send out a ping each time you update your blog. This lets everyone know that you've just updated your blog.

10) Link to other blogs. Use services like blogrolling, which is similar to linking. Blogrolling allows you to maintain an updated list of your favorite blogs. But, don't build a long blog roll of sites that you have no intention of returning to. There is nothing more annoying then visiting a blog that has a humongous blogroll.

Be patient, traffic doesn't happen overnight. The best way that I've found to increase traffic is by getting to know people. Spend what free time that you have, reading blogs, leaving feedback and building friendships. Try to leave comments on the blogs that you visit as often as you can. While you are waiting for the traffic to come, just enjoy blogging. You'll be improving your writing in the process.

Eventually you'll build a network of not just readers, but friends and loyal supporters. Blogging is not just about marketing; it's about creating lasting relationships.

Rose DesRochers is the founder of Blogger Talk Blog Community, a friendly fast growing blogging portal, offering bloggers support, advice, tools, tips and information about blogs and blogging. She is also the administrator of Today's Woman Writing Community, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18.Vinny Blog64004
Faythe Blog1608

Holly Mann's Honest Riches

When I first encountered the E-Books on the Internet offering to teach you to "Make Money Online," "Earn Money from Home," and "Get Rich with the Internet," I thought that probably the only people getting rich was whoever was selling those E-Books.

But I was still curious. And nobody was looking...

I was browsing the net and somehow came accross the ads about "The Rich Jerk" and his E-Book.

Now, personally, I don't like the idea of buying anything from someone who proudly refers to himself as a jerk. I took it as an indicator that he might also not be totally honest, and I cringed a bit when I wondered what he was doing with all the money he was making. I didn't feel like contributing, and his E-Book was too expensive for me.

But I was still curious. And I was just browsing...

I came across Holly Mann's book, "Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets Revealed." She had apparantly read Rich Jerk's E-Book, had applied what she learned, and had gotten herself from zero to $12,000 per month by making money online.

She wrote her own E-Book, to teach others her own methods and the secrets she learned. I noticed that she didn't post extravagant claims, like "make $10,000 a day without working!" (If you've ever looked at ads on the net for making money online, you know what I'm talking about.)

She is also a 24-year-old single mom living in Thailand. She seemed like a considerate person who wanted to help others. And her E-Book was only about $20.00.

So, my original hardened suspicion began to waver... I emailed my sister. I shyly mentioned the book. Of course my sister reinforced my original skepticism and reminded me not to trust these E-Book sellers who are, after all, just after my money.

A few days went by, and out of curiosity I checked Holly's "Honest Riches" website. I have to admit, the smiling photo of her with her baby in her arms just melted me a little bit. (That is a smart girl.) I tried to be staunch. I know people always just want to sell things...

I emailed her and asked a question. I got a prompt and very friendly response, as well as a small free E-Book by another writer, which explained the basics of affiliate marketing very simply. It made sense to me that this was really something that any intelligent person could do from home, given a bit of work and persistance.

A few days later my sister emailed me again. She said that she looked up this Holly Mann on the net and couldn't find much bad said about her. She suggested that I should go ahead, as, after all, $20 is not so much.

I looked through Holly's site again. Then I saw it. That was the clincher for me. A money-back guarantee. So I bought it.

I don't want my money back. This little book is beautiful. It is perfect for me, a complete novice to the field of affiliate marketing and not too well-versed on the Internet either.

Holly explains, step by step, what you need to do to make money online. The data she gives is straight, to-the-point, helpful, and easy to understand. There is no extra filler, nor endless paragraphs of "ra-ra-ra you're gonna be a millionaire." Just the data and what to do.

Soon after I began reading her book, my head was filled with ideas of how I could make money online. I had more ideas than I could even work on, in the few hours per day that I can dedicate to this endeavor. That's a pretty big step up from where I was a week before, when I said "Affiliate Marketing? What's that?"

Holly's book is also full of links to helpful websites and software (a lot of it free) which you can use to help you get your online ventures started and on the right track. Without these links and data, I would be completely lost. I could have searched through the net to find other free data on online-income-oppurtunities, but I'm glad I didn't. If I had, I would still be swimming in a sea of confusion now.

Holly has her own forum where her readers can exchange advice and encouragement. She also answers questions and inputs new ideas and data she finds. She has recently started a new free website design service for her readers, to help them get off the ground in creating their first website.

Meanwhile, I had purchased another service to help people make money online. As it also had a money-back guarantee, I decided to get a refund on that one. But not on Holly's book.

So - was Holly Mann's book a trap, where only the E-Book seller wins and the buyer pays?

No. It's a great book and it really does teach people to make money online.

Anaka Ray's blog provides information on Ebooks and other resources useful to online entrepreneurs. For more information about Holly Mann's Ebook you may visit her blog at Blog35826
Frannie Blog21309

10 Not-So-Obvious Ways to Promote Your Web site

It is interesting to think that out of the numerous ways in which business owners can advertise their products and services, many of them neglect to place their companys URL in the very advertising they are already paying for.

Sometimes simply placing their Web site URL in their paid advertising is not that obvious. Here are 10 not-always-so-obvious ways to promote your Web site.

1. Include your URL on business cards, stationery, brochures and other literature.

As silly as it may seem, this no-brainer is often overlooked. Youd be amazed how many business owners either forget to place their URL on their business cards or dont think doing so is all that important. Be sure when printing your companys promotional and marketing materials, to leave off the http:// part and include only the portion.

2. Dont neglect e-mail and e-mail newsletters as a way to bring visitors to your Web site.

Utilize the signature file option (company name, address, phone number, URL, e-mail address) in your e-mail program. Many business owners sign their e-mails with just their first name, nothing more. Moreover, many business owners still send and receive business-related e-mails using a free e-mail account or their ISPs email, like Hotmail, Yahoo, or Ameritech, rather than using their corporate e-mail account another free Web site promotion tool.

While it's a big commitment in time, publishing a weekly, monthly, or quarterly newsletter is one of the very best ways to keep in touch with your prospects, generate trust, develop brand awareness, and build future business. Dont forget to place your URL in each newsletter you send out.

3. Take a moment to use your traditional means of advertising to add your URL.

Be sure to include your URL in any display or classified ads you purchase in trade journals, newspapers, magazines and more. View your Web site as an information adjunct to the ad to capture the readers' attention with the ad, and then refer them to a URL where they can obtain more information and perhaps place an order. Look carefully at small display or classified ads in the back of magazines or trade periodicals. Sometimes these ads are more targeted, more effective, and less expensive than online advertising. Consider other traditional media to drive people to your site, such as direct mail, classifieds, post cards, etc.

4. Become an online expert in your field.

Use your expertise to become an expert in your field and promote your Web site for free. Sign up for Yahoo Answers ( or Google Answers ( and answer questions asked by online visitors. You will have the opportunity to write your companys URL in your profile. This is a great way to gain additional Internet exposure as well.

5. Issue press releases.

When your business has a newsworthy event, send press releases to print and online periodicals. Use these opportunities to mention your companys URL near the bottom of each news release. There are many online PR Web sites, including, and others you may use to promote something exciting happening within your company.

6. Promote your site in mailing lists and news groups.

The Internet offers hundreds of targeted e-mail based discussion lists, chat rooms and news groups made up of people with very specialized interests. Spend at least one hour each week searching for groups where a conversation is taking place. Do not use aggressive marketing and overly plug your company, even if you see some people doing so. Instead, add to the discussion in a helpful way and let the signature at the end of your e-mail or post message do the marketing for you. People will gradually get to know and trust you, visit your Web site, and do business with you.

7. Ask visitors to bookmark your site.

It seems so simple, but make sure you ask visitors to bookmark your Web site. Use a text link or graphic on the homepage of your Web site.

8. Place URL in any yellow book advertising you already do.

I once knew of a company who was spending $90,000 in yellow page advertising, across numerous books in the area, and included front yellow book cover ads as well as full-page, full-color ads throughout the yellow pages. Not once did they mention their Web site, which has been on the Net for many years. The company surprisingly saw no value to it.

Whether placing full-page ads in your local yellow pages, or only paying for a bold listing in the white and business yellow pages of your local directory, consider leaving open one line for your companys Web site address. Because you are already paying for the directory advertising, this is one particular place you definitely do not want to overlook.

9. Write articles for use in newsletters and other Web sites.

You can dramatically increase your Internet visibility when you write expert articles about your field and distribute them as free content for other article directories, e-mail newsletters and other related Web sites. At the bottom of each article written, request a link back to your Web site and a one-line description of what you offer. This is an effective viral marketing approach.

10. Devise other viral marketing techniques.

Viral marketing uses the communication networks of your site visitors and current customers to spread the word about your Web site exponentially. Some examples include word-of-mouth, public relations, referrals, blogs, creating "buzz," and other forms of network marketing.

Wendy Suto is a certified SEO and president of Search Circus, Inc., an ethical SEO firm based in Cleveland, Ohio. The company offers organic optimization, link building, corporate blogs, and article submission tactics. Wendy also holds SEO training classes throughout Cleveland, Ohio.Felice Blog87720
Feodora Blog72805

What Is So Different About The Berry Tree?

The Berry Tree offers a new and unique form of marketing, with a patent pending system that enables you to participate in a business where your advertising is included and managed by world-class marketers. Unlike typical Internet or Network Marketing, where the only way to make money is to sell products or sponsor people, The Berry Tree's fully automated system handles the sales and prospecting for you.

The Berry Tree is one of the most hands off opportunities ever put together. Passive members can just pay their memberships and then watch their business grow.

How is this possible? The creators have set up a system that guarantees success by doing the advertising for their members. So, if you join and do not quit you will have the opportunity to share on the money earned by every member, even those that joined before you!

This system is so unique that it is actually patent pending. It may just revolutionize the network marketing industry. How many programs do you know of that can provide an additional revenue stream without additional work?

Your membership includes corporate managed advertising which is used to bring in new members and customers. They buy in bulk and work with some of the top ad agencies in the world to get more of every dollar.

Even though you do not have to actually do anything to build your Berry business there are two ways to make more money, faster:

1. The advertising that is included in all memberships builds your business.

This guaranteed advertising brings in new members that are distributed evenly all through the existing members downline. New members are placed under existing members depending on their enrollment date. Since your membership actually includes advertising to help build your business your success does not depend on your marketing experience only.

The more members that join, the more advertising dollars there are to grow your business.

2. Advertise on your own to build your Berry business.

If you would like to make more money, faster you can also sponsor others. This will allow you to get into profit faster and you also get to earn on everyone in the program. Even those who joined before you!

There is no other program like this one.

* You will be placed in the highest position based on enroll date.

* Your branches are filled by the company and members who joined before you.

* You automatically get multiple profit centers.

* You have the ability to earn on EVERYONE in the company.

* You have the option of a Powerline Income with the Passive Income Bonus.

* The Sr. Certificate gives enables you to earn at a higher level than you have achieved.

Another unique feature of the program is that as your business grows and you move up you can participate in Bonus Pools. What this means is that you can begin to earn extra money on all the Berry Tree members, no matter who sponsored them or when they joined.

There are six ways to earn:

1. The Tree will be Filled by enroll date.

2. Multiple Profit Centers - Automatically allows you to double or triple your check!

3. Fast Start Bonus. Earn $27.00 on personal referrals.

4. Leadership Bonuses. Allows you to earn on every member in the company.

5. Passive Income Bonus. Even more ways to earn.

6. Customer Orders. Earn 30% on Customers.

The Berry Tree may just be the program you are looking for, especially if you do not like to personally refer others.

They are currently in the pre launch phase so now is the time to get in on this great opportunity.

It is unlike anything found on the internet today.

The higher positions are the most valuable due to the way the members will be placed from the guaranteed advertising.

So take action now and start your online business today!

Copyright 2007 Joe Rispoli

Joe Rispoli has been involved with Network Marketing for over 10 years. Get the absolute best postion available in the BerryTree right now, right here: http://www.TheBerryTreeTour.comViole Blog33462
Faye Blog51724

5 Facts That Will Have Your Re-Writing Your Website In A Hurry

To view where the facts were gathered from to write this article, please click on the links below:

1. Jakob Nielsen for Sun MicroSystems (
2. Stanford Poynter Project (

This article will highlight the differences between writing copy for the web and writing copy for print. Some of these facts go against intuition and against cultural norms. But, these facts detail how people read on the web.

There's no use in arguing against them. Instead you should embrace them and use this knowledge to your advantage. Here's what the facts are and how they're going to affect your website.

1) Where Do Eyes Go First When Your Homepage Comes Up?

Contrary to what you might think, it isn't towards the graphics or photos like in print advertising. Instead your prospects eyes will first go to the copy. Specifically your headline and sub-heads. Therefore, your first chance to engage the prospect is through copy. Not graphics.

Seeing as most web users look at a web page for only 3-15 seconds before deciding whether to stay or move on. The fact that they look at copy first has massive implications for your website. Fancy graphics won't make a prospect stay on your website. But a really strong headline and strong sub-heads will.

2) How Much Of Your Copy Do Users Actually Read?

The fact is that online users, on average, read 75% of the length of any given page. This is big news because most web pages will have the important conclusions, calls to action, and order information on the bottom 25% of any given page. That's a big no-no. Because it will never get read.

You have to have your call to action and order information presented early on your web page to ensure it gets read.

3) Why Do Most Banner Ads Produce Poor Click-Through Rates?

1.25 seconds. That's how long an average user will look at your banner ad. That's just enough time to perceive one image or 6 words (based on college student's average reading speed of 350 words/minute).

Therefore, banner ads that have animation, taking 4-5 seconds to run through a cycle, or more than 6 words must be reconsidered. However, if you really must keep your animated banner ad because "it just looks so cool!" I would suggest that you at least keep your company logo visible throughout the entire animation sequence.

4) Why Is Reading Online More Frustrating Than Reading Print?

Turns out that reading from a computer screen causes a person's reading speed to slow by 25% when compared to reading print. That means reading long copy can be very frustrating online. Break up the copy to help users through.

Have a few one line paragraphs.

Use headlines and sub-heads to summarize information. So users who are tired of reading word-by-word can quickly scan the rest of your document.

5) Are Your Web Page Users Not Getting The Whole Picture?

If you haven't made your web page truly scannable, prospects to your site may only be getting part of the sales message. Only 21% of online users read word-by-word. The other 79% scan a web page headline to headline. Sub-head to sub-head. Picking up only the larger, bolded or italicized copy.

Your sales message has to be read both by scanners and word-by-word readers. Therefore all your major selling points, benefits, call to action and order info must be in easily scannable type.

Otherwise your website will only generate 21% of the sales it could be. And for the money you put into your website, that's not good enough.

So, if online reading is so different from offline reading. Clearly your web copy has to follow suit. Take home message? Make sure your website is performing on all cylinders. Have a professional web writer write your website. It will save you money in the long run.

Aran Kay is a marketing consultant and freelance copywriter with experience working for Nintendo, Direct Energy, Kellogg's and more. He has written numerous marketing articles and includes a selection of them on his web site. is also your source for "The 52 Best Marketing Web Sites." It's a great resource and yours FREE just for visiting his web site.Valerye Blog40105
Veronika Blog3953

The Dream Of An Online Home Business

All over the world, thousands of people ask the question : Is it possible to make money with an online home business?

They have a dream of a life in freedom. They dream of being able to get loose from the nine to five ball and chain. They want to get free from the daily mind-numbing commute. They want financial independence.

The dream is about working from home, or to be able to work at the beach in a tropical paradise. The question is still unanswered. Is it possible to make money with an online home business? Or is it just a dream?

From time to time, some doom-sayer comes out from the shelter and predicts the end of small business on the Internet. It will be only the big businesses that can make it on the Net. Small home businesses will not stand a chance. Is there any reason to listen to these prophets of doom?

Let me answer that question with an example. Some years ago, the end of the Internet itself was predicted. It is beyond any doubt, that the Internet is here to stay. Online home business is also here to stay.

Day by day, more and more consumers get onto the Internet, they are shopping. They are spending money! As it becomes more and more convenient to shop online, Internet shopping increases every year. New payment processors make it safe and more easy to use credit cards online.

Broadband connections make it easy like a finger snap to download large files of e-books, audio, video, and other software.

As more and more merchants make their products and services available, Online shopping is becoming a natural part of many people's lives. It is so convenient and effective.

How to make money with an online home business?

As in the ordinary business world, if you can fill a need, you can make money. Find a niche. Find your passion. Offer your expertise, products or services to people who share your passion.

Give people what they want and you will make money with your online business

Small business will always have a great chance of success on the Internet. There will always be a place for you, if you can offer a different approach, create a better product or if you can fill a unique need.

If you offer a service or a product that is a little different, a little better, your online home business can dominate a niche market.

The Internet offers many fine opportunities to start a small business. Once you go a head and build a real online business, you will reap the rewards. Create your own online home business, that comes with the freedom you dream of.

All you need is a goal, a good plan to reach your goal, and the perseverance to follow your plan until you reach your goal. Get these three factors in place, sooner or later you will have the opportunity to work from wherever you want.

Ove Nordkvist share his more than 25 years of entrepreneur experience at his web site You'll find free download able master courses, tools and informative articles.Vania Blog50130
Faydra Blog48462

Pay Per Click Advertising

Advertising has gained tremendous importance in the marketing arena. Newer avenues have emerged giving much more than just the awareness factor to be looked upon. One such arena for marketing where advertising is gaining ground is Internet marketing. Many advertising techniques have come up for web based marketing or advertising projects. One of the Internets advertising techniques is termed as PPC or Pay Per Click. The Pay Per Click technique is primarily used for websites, search engines and advertising networks.

The idea behind the PPC technique is very simple yet effective. Advertisers in order to make their advertisements seen by people offer them money to visit their website and click on a particular ad. This in turn generates revenue for the advertising companies. With search engines, Pay Per Click advertisements are usually some text ads that are strategically placed near search results; when a site visitor clicks on the advertisement, the advertiser is charged a small amount. As the number of clicks increase, the revenue for advertising companies increases.

In todays tough competition, the major players in this segment include Google AdWords and Yahoo search engine. As per the usage of the Pay Per Click facility, these are classified into three types of engines. These classifications are given as keyword, product and service engines. According to the nature of the job, these classifications differ. Normally the rates for Pay Per Click campaigns come to around $0.01 per click, but biger search engines pay upto $0.5 per click. Though it generates a small amount for the person who earns via PPC, it proves useful for people who spend around 4-5 hours on the net.

The very heart of Pay Per Click advertising lies in the keyword search. When a prospective client searches for a particular word or phase, a list of advertisement links appear. Clicking on any one of them increases the visitor count for that particular advertisement and thus creates revenue for the advertising company. Thus, every advertising company wants to be in the first few search counts that the user sees.

Almost the same kind of structure follows for the other two classifications. Pay Per Click is not just restricted to local advertisers. It is done on a large scale to increase the number of clicks in a single day. Nowadays many companies exist that provide Pay Per Click advertising. Judging the best out of them is a real concern for companies these days. Many of them exist only on paper and thus can be cause of fraudulent activities. You need to be extra careful while choosing a advertising agency for such advertising campaigns. For those of you who want to make some money by clicking on ads, it provides a good opportunity to earn some extra income.

Laurie Buckley is the author of, wholesale web traffic suppliers.Eulalie Blog67766
Fey Blog29325

4 Reasons Customer Loyalty Is Vital To Your Business

Have you ever wondered why some businesses may set up shop in areas that might not be very conducive to business and do quite well, while others are placed at major thoroughfares where walk by and drive by traffic are all but guaranteed, yet within six months they fold and the place goes up for lease or sale? The truth of the matter is that success is not always determined by your location although it does play a vital role but more often than not it is dictated by customer loyalty.

Here are four reasons customer loyalty is vital to your business:

1. First and foremost is the fact that a loyal customer is a repeat customer. This person will know about your business practices, about what to expect from your goods or service, the advantages and the disadvantages, and she or he will do business with you in such a way that it is a mutually satisfying transaction.

2. As you establish a relationship with your customer, you are also establishing a relationship with the customer's family. Thus, it is not uncommon to have the wife bring in the dry cleaning for the family and turns her mother, mother in law, aunt, and best girlfriend on to your business. As the husband is sent one day to pick up the dry cleaning he becomes familiar with the business, and he will tell his brother, business associates, and others who are looking for a dry cleaner. Thus, you are suddenly becoming a commodity which is being shared with others.

3. While family referrals are great, business referrals are even better. If you are a dry cleaner, you will want the dress maker down the street to recommend your services to its customers. Similarly, if there is bridal shop with which you may have some professional ties, then these business referrals are simply priceless! Customer loyalties when you have other business owners or clerks shopping at your store or utilizing your service are quite often the gateway to a great number of new walk in customers.

4. Yet the fourth and perhaps most important reasons why customer loyalty is vital to your business rests in the fact that many major purchases are not made during the initial contact. For example, if you are a furniture store, you might have someone come in looking for a computer desk. While these may be expensive depending on the materials by and large these items are small fish. Yet if the consumer is satisfied with the product, the delivery, the setup and also the price, the odds are good that she or he will be back when it is time to furnish the nursery, buy that new wall unit, or acquire that bedroom set that was saved up for!

Copyright © 2007 Vadim Kirienko owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything you need to start, run and grow a home based business. For further information, go to => Blog62409
Filia Blog7623
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